Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 2/29/12

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 2/29/12:

(Note: I have included deep links for some titles if you wish to support Comics Conspiracy when you buy digital comics. I have not included links to Marvel or Dark Horse books because you cannot support us currently by buying them through our digital Comixology site.)

01. Amazing Spider-Man #680 Marvel
02. DC Universe Online: Legends #24 DC
03. A Game of Thrones #6 Dynamite
04. Justice League #6 DC
05. The Shade #5 of 12 DC
06. T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents #4 of 6 DC
07. The Unwritten #34.5 Vertigo

We have a fifth week people and an extra day to boot. Gotta love leap years. What can I say about this week other that the awesome fact that Justice League is one of the books you have to get, and if you haven't been reading A Game of Thrones or The Shade you need to start. Small week, but I needed it because I still have to get caught up with last week's books. My plans for the rest of the week: read, blog, and try to enjoy the rest of my time off.

Remember you can now find these titles and more in digital format at our Comics Conspiracy - Comixology Storefront or you can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy, and on the Geekbox Forums. Now get out there and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading.

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