Comic Book Binding Projects

A few years ago I was introduced to comic book binding. A year ago I tried it out, and I was hooked. I've started to get more of my comics bound into self organized collections. This is a daunting task at times, because titles tend have cross overs, characters or teams appear in other titles, there are stacks of minis, and as always the occasional one shot or special. Needless to say putting the issues together in a chronological or story order is a very research heavy task, but that makes this is a very interesting process, which has added a whole new level to how I collect back issues. But when you get the final product in your hand after all that is makes it well worth the time and effort.
I have been posting about my experiences with this, and if you are curious to see more click on the link below to see these posts about my comic book binding woes, works in progress and the finished results.

Comic Book Binding Label Search

Or if you want you can just go directly to the posts about the bindings I have finished. Enjoy either way.

Completed Bindings:

Ascension (1997)
One Volume
Crimson (1998)
One Volume
Guardians of the Galaxy (1998)
Three Volumes
R.E.B.E.L.S. (2009)
One Volume
 Booster Gold (1986)
One Volume

The place I take my comics to to get the binding treatment is Herring & Robinson in Brisbane, CA. They have done amazing work so far, and I cannot recommend them enough.

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