Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 8/29/12

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 8/29/12:

(Note: I have included deep links for some titles if you wish to support Comics Conspiracy when you buy digital comics. I have not included links to Dark Horse books because you cannot support us currently by buying them through our site.)

01. American Vampire #30 Vertigo
02. Aquaman #12 DC
03. Detective Comics Annual #1 DC
04. Flash Annual #1 DC
05. Green Lantern Annual #1 DC
06. Justice League #12 DC
07. Justice League International Annual #1 DC
08. National Comics: Looker One-Shot DC
09. Phantom Lady #1 of 4 DC
10. Superman Annual #1 DC
11. X-O Manowar #4 Valiant

Graphic Novels
Resurrection Man: Vol. 1 - Dead Again DC
(collects #1-7)

Reading List:

Before Watchmen: Minute Men #3 of 6 DC
Winter Soldier #9 Marvel

Hopefully, you have a fat wad of cash this week, because DC released five Annuals and Justice League #12 with two Jim Lee covers and a special Robot Chicken variant. We will have copies at Comics Conspiracy so don't waste your time trying to snatch up an over priced copy from eBay.
Despite it being a fairly light week there is a lot of comic book on the shelf this week with the DC Annuals, and with the Independent books that shipped. I'm really looking forward to Justice League, Aquaman, the Green Lantern and Justice League International Annuals. All of these books are by Geoff Johns and they all are on the bottom of my pile this week. Much like Charlie I think I will be OD'ing on Johns this week. If you are really bored ask Charlie about the digital combo pack for the Green Lantern Annual.
Also don't forget to pick up the Resurrection Man: Vol.1 - Dead Again trade. This title is a great read, and yes I'm still pissed off at DC for cancelling it. So, show some support for the title and get the trade.
There are some other books of note out this week that I wanted to mention here. The first being Phantom Lady by Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti with art from Cat Staggs. I'm not familiar with Phantom Lady, but Gray and Palmiotti have been doing some great work with All Star Western so I'm going to give this four issue mini series a try.
The second title I am going to mention this week is the National Comics: Looker One-Shot by Ian Edginton with art from Mike S. Miller. Looker is a character from my favorite team the Outsiders, and I can't wait to see her in this "New Rejiggered 52". Who knows maybe the Outsiders will make a come back in the future? I can only hope and dream right now, but I'll take a Looker one-shot to tide me over.
Five week months are sometimes odd, but I think we have a good solid week from DC which ends the first year of the "New 52". Interesting ride, but I need to get through this week's books before I can really comment on the past year of books. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile you need to get your ass down to your local comic book store to get the media hyped twelfth issue of Justice League where Superman and Wonder Woman lock lips for the first time in this "New 52". Poor Steve.

Remember you can now find these titles and more in digital format at our Comics Conspiracy - Comixology Storefront or you can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy, and on the Geekbox Forums. Now get out there and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading.

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