Monday, May 16, 2011

Random Comic Pick - Episode 8

My random comic pick on The Comic Conspiracy: Episode 8 is Star Wars: Legacy written by John Ostrander and Jan Duursema, and illustrated by Duursema and others. We had discussed licensed material a few episodes ago and I had just started to read the Star Wars: Dark Empire and Dark Empire II so I decided to give another Star Wars series a try. I was at a Borders that was closing and found the first two trades for Star Wars: Legacy. I picked them up and have enjoyed this series so far. I'm on the fifth trade currently, but from the first four I decided to make it my "Random Comic Pick" for Episode 8. The series is set 125 years after the death of Vader and the galaxy is still in turmoil. Check it out if you like Star Wars and even if you don't. It is a great read.

Comics Conspiracy is a great place to order comics by the way.


  1. I picked up the first legacy book on your recommendation. As soon as I finished it, I ordered the next 2 trades. Excellent read so far. Thanks

  2. No problem. My Star Wars reading has slowed down since Brody was born, but I got through Vol.4 and stopped because Legacy crosses over with Knights of the Old Republic, Dark Times and Rebellion in the Vector trades. I'll try and get a reading list up soon. : )
