(Note: I have included deep links for some titles if you wish to support Comics Conspiracy when you buy digital comics. I have not included links to Dark Horse books because you cannot support us currently by buying them through our site.)
01. Batman #40 DC
02. Convergence #4 of 8 DC
03. Convergence: Blue Beetle #1 of 2 DC
04. Convergence: Booster Gold #1 of 2 DC
05. Convergence: Detective Comics #1 of 2 DC
06. Convergence: Justice Society of America #1 of 2 DC
07. Justice League #40 DC
08. Multiversity #2 DC
09. Outcast #8 Image
Graphic Novels:
Batman Vol. 6: Graveyard Shift (HC - Collects Batman #0,18-20,28,34 and Batman Annual #2) DC
Buy on Amazon | Buy for Kindle | Buy on Comixology
Green Arrow Vol. 6: Broken (TPB - Collects Green Arrow #32-34, Green Arrow: Futures End #1, and Secret Origins #4) DC
Buy on Amazon | Buy for Kindle | Buy on Comixology
Walking Dead Vol. 23: Whispers Into Screams (TPB - Collects Walking Dead #133-138) Image
Buy on Amazon | Buy on Comixology
Reading List:
All New Captain America #6 Marvel
Convergence: Action Comics #1 of 2 DC
Convergence: Crime Syndicate #1 of 2 DC (All of our copies were damaged. I'll read it next week.)
Convergence: Infinity INC. #1 of 2 DC
Convergence: Plastic Man and the Freedom Fighters #1 of 2 DC
Convergence: Shazam! #1 of 2 DC
Convergence: World's Finest #1 of 2 DC
Daredevil #15 Marvel
Fantastic Four #645 Marvel
Inhuman #14 Marvel
Moon Knight #14 Marvel
Red One #2 Image
Silver Surfer #11 Marvel
Spread #7 Image
Star Wars: Princess Leia #3 Marvel
Superman #40 DC
Well I really have a lot of reading to get to, and you some books to get from your local comic book store, or online at our digital store. You can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or by dropping Ryan an email at ryan@comicsconspiracy.biz. On comic book orders of $25 or more shipping is free.
As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy Podcast.
You can help support The Comic Conspiracy podcast through Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.
Now that all of the plugging of random stuff is out of the way, you should get out there, and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading. Thank you for stopping by.
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