Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 2/24/21

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 2/24/21:

01. Batman: Black and White #3 DC
02. Batman: White Knight Presents Harley Quinn #5 DC Black Label
03. Bloodshot #11 Valiant
04. Crossover #4 Image
05. The Department of Truth #6 Image
06. Future State: Aquaman #2 DC
07. Future State: Batman / SUperman #2 DC
08. Future State: Dark Detective #4 DC
09. Future State: Legion of Super-Heroes #2 DC
10. Future State: Suicide Squad #2 DC
11. Future State: Superman: House of El #1 DC
12. Future State: Superman Vs. Imperious Lex #2 DC
13. Generations Forged #1 DC
14. Oblivion Song #30 Image
15. Something is Killing the Children #15 BOOM!

Reading List:

Two Moons #1 Image

Art Book:

Jim Lee's X-Men Artist's Edition (HC - Art Book.) IDW
Buy on Amazon (May be sold out already.)


Star Wars: Victory's Price (An Alphabet Squadron Novel) by Alexander Freed - Published by: Del Ray
Buy on Amazon

Currently Reading:

Star Wars: The High Republic: Light of the Jedi by Charles Soule - Published by: Del Rey
Buy on Amazon

If you want to see more of what comes out than what I post here head over to the New Release section at Comics

Well I have a lot of reading to get to, and you have another week of new books to check out at your local comic book store, or online at our digital store. You can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or by dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy Podcast.
You can help support The Comic Conspiracy podcast through Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

You can also help me out more directly by heading over to My eBay Page and bidding on the stuff that I'm selling.

Now that all of the plugging of random stuff is out of the way, you should get out there, and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading. Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 2/17/21

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 2/17/21:

01. Batman / Catwoman #3 DC Black Label
02. The Expanse #3 of 4 BOOM!
03. Future State: Catwoman #2 DC
04. Future State: Immortal Wonder Woman #2 DC
05. Future State: The Next Batman #4 DC
06. Future State: Nightwing #2 DC
07. Future State: Shazam! #2 DC
08. Future State: Superman: Worlds of War #2 DC
09. Savage #1 Valiant
10. Second Coming: Only Begotton Son #2 Ahoy Comics
11. Stillwater #6 Image
12. Stranger Things / Dungeons & Dragons Crossover #4 of 4 Dark Horse / IDW
13. TMNT: The Last Ronin #2 IDW
14. Truth & Justice #1 DC
15. The Walking Dead Deluxe #9 Image
16. We Live #5 Aftershock

Graphic Novels:

Scene of the Crime (TPB - Collects Scene of the Crime #1-4 and the story "God and Sinners" from Vertigo: Winter's Edge #2.) Image
Buy on Amazon

Currently Reading:

Skyhunter (Book 1 of 2) by: Marie Lu - Published by: Roaring Book Press
Buy on Amazon

If you want to see more of what comes out than what I post here head over to the New Release section at Comics

Well I have a lot of reading to get to, and you have another week of new books to check out at your local comic book store, or online at our digital store. You can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or by dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy Podcast.
You can help support The Comic Conspiracy podcast through Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

You can also help me out more directly by heading over to My eBay Page and bidding on the stuff that I'm selling.

Now that all of the plugging of random stuff is out of the way, you should get out there, and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading. Thank you for stopping by.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 2/10/21

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 2/10/21:

01. American Vampire1: 1976 #5 DC Black Label
02. Commanders in Crisis #5 Image
03. DC Love is a Battlefield #1 DC
04. Future State: Dark Detective #3 DC
05. Future State: Green Lantern #2 DC
06. Future State: Justice League #2 DC
07. Future State: Kara Zor-El, Superwoman #2 DC
08. Future State: Robin Eternal #2 DC
09. Future State: Superman / Wonder Woman #2 DC
10. Future State: Teen Titans #2 DC
11. Origins #4 of 6 BOOM!
12. Rorschach #5 of 12 DC Black Label
13. Undiscovered Country #12 Image

Reading List:

Radiant Black #1 Image


Star Wars: Into the Dark by Claudia Gray - Disney Lucasfilm Press
Buy on Amazon

Graphic Novels:

Aster of Pan (HC - Original Graphic Novel for America.) Magnetic Press
Buy on Amazon

Currently Reading:

Skyhunter (Book 1 of 2) by: Marie Lu - Published by: Roaring Book Press
Buy on Amazon

If you want to see more of what comes out than what I post here head over to the New Release section at Comics

Well I have a lot of reading to get to, and you have another week of new books to check out at your local comic book store, or online at our digital store. You can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or by dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy Podcast.
You can help support The Comic Conspiracy podcast through Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

You can also help me out more directly by heading over to My eBay Page and bidding on the stuff that I'm selling.

Now that all of the plugging of random stuff is out of the way, you should get out there, and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading. Thank you for stopping by.

Friday, February 5, 2021

Kickstarter - Aster of Pan

I have been backing a lot more comic book projects on Kickstarter since the Covid pandemic hit. The ones I tend to like more are the campaigns that are for a complete graphic novel collection of content. There are many different types of comic book Kickstarter Campaigns, so you might be suprised at what you could find.

One of the first Kickstarter Campaigns I backed was from Neurobellum Productions and Magnetic Press. The book is called Aster of Pan and it is written and drawn by Merwan. I was lucky enough to back it early, and I got a good price for the hardcover that features a Peach Momoko variant. The original cover is really great too, and is available now at Amazon, and from your local comic shop. I hope you enjoy my package opening of Aster of Pan. You'll get to see first hand that getting these books through Kickstarter can get you some cool extras.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Conspirator Brock's Pull List for 2/3/21

For all of the curious people out there wondering what I like to read week to week here is a list of the titles I am going to be picking up for the week of 2/3/21:

01. The Dreaming: Waking Hours #7 DC
02. Far Sector #10 DC's Young Animal
03. Future State: The Flash #2 DC
04. Future State: Harley Quinn #2 DC
05. Future State: The Next Batman #3 DC
06. Future State: Superman of Metropolis #2 DC
07. Future State: Swamp Thing #2 DC
08. Future State: Wonder Woman #2 DC
09. Harley Quinn and the Birds of Prey #4 DC Black Label
10. Hellblazer: Rise and Fall #3 DC Black Label
11. Luna #1 BOOM!
12. Marvel Action: Origins #1 IDW
13. Overwatch: Tracer - London Calling #3 of 5 Dark Horse
14. Star Wars Adventures #3 IDW
15. Star Wars: The High Republic #2 Marvel
16. Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #1 IDW
17. The Walking Dead Deluxe #8 Image

Reading List:

Deep Beyond #1 Image

Graphic Novels:

Flash Facts (TPB - Original Graphic Novel.) DC Kids
Buy on Amazon

Currently Reading:

Skyhunter (Book 1 of 2) by: Marie Lu - Published by: Roaring Book Press
Buy on Amazon

If you want to see more of what comes out than what I post here head over to the New Release section at Comics

Well I have a lot of reading to get to, and you have another week of new books to check out at your local comic book store, or online at our digital store. You can still order comics from us directly by visiting the shop, giving us a call (408) 245-6275, or by dropping Ryan an email at

As usual I'll be talking comics on The Comic Conspiracy Podcast.
You can help support The Comic Conspiracy podcast through Patreon for as little as a dollar a month.

You can also help me out more directly by heading over to My eBay Page and bidding on the stuff that I'm selling.

Now that all of the plugging of random stuff is out of the way, you should get out there, and enjoy some good old fashioned comic book reading. Thank you for stopping by.