Friday, April 8, 2011

Green Lantern Reading List

*Updated* - 1/6/15

There are a lot of Green Lantern books out there. If you are interested in diving into some of the Green Lantern lore then you should start with the Green Lantern (2005) run by Geoff Johns, and the Green Lantern Corps (2006) series from Peter Tomasi and others. Both of these books come highly recommend from me especially since this is was my introduction to the ring bearers of the emotional spectrum.

Note: This list only covers Green Lantern and Green Lantern Family titles from 2005 to present, and volume numbers have been added to some of these books because there where none on the actual TPBs which makes it really hard to know what order to read them in.


Green Lantern - Rebirth
Green Lantern (Vol. 01) - No Fear
Green Lantern (Vol. 02) - Revenge of the Green Lanterns
Green Lantern (Vol. 03) - Wanted: Hal Jordan
Green Lantern (Vol. 04) - The Sinestro Corps War (Vol. 1)
Green Lantern (Vol. 05) - The Sinestro Corps War (Vol. 2)
Green Lantern (Vol. 06) - Tales of the Sinestro Corps
Green Lantern (Vol. 07) - Secret Origin
Green Lantern (Vol. 08) - Rage of the Red Lanterns
Green Lantern (Vol. 09) - Agent Orange
-Go to Blackest Night and Brightest Day-

To get started on this great run by Geoff Johns download the first issue from Comixology.
Click Here


Green Lantern Corps - Recharge
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 1) - To Be a Lantern
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 2) - The Dark Side of Green
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 3) - Ring Quest
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 4) - Sins of the Star Sapphire
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 5) - Emerald Eclipse
-Go to Blackest Night-
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 7) - Revolt of the Alpha Lanterns
(Happens during Brightest Day, but isn't core to the main story.)
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 8) - The Weaponer
(Happens during Brightest Day, but isn't core to the main story.)

To get started on this great run by Peter Tomasi download the first issue for FREE from Comixology.
Click Here

BLACKEST NIGHT: - Stories in these trades happen simultaneously except with Tales of the Corps, which contains the origins of key members of the different Lantern Corps. I personally love the one about Bleeze.

Blackest Night - Tales of The Corps
Blackest Night
Green Lantern (Vol. 10) - Blackest Night
Green Lantern Corps (Vol. 6) - Blackest Night

The following trades collect the mini's from Blackest Night. These minis are not essential to main story, but some are interesting reads on there own.

Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 1
Blackest Night: Black Lantern Corps Vol. 2
Blackest Night: Rise Of The Black Lanterns

(For the best single issue reading list for Blackest Night go here. Thank you Comic Reading Orders for this list.)

To get started on this epic Green Lantern event download the #0 issue from Comixology.
Click Here

BRIGHTEST DAY: - Except for a little cross over in the beginning of Brightest Day - Vol. 1 and Green Lantern (Vol. 11) - Brightest Day these trades can be read separately.

Brightest Day - Vol. 1
Brightest Day - Vol. 2
Brightest Day - Vol. 3
Green Lantern (Vol. 11) - Brightest Day
Green Lantern: Emerald Warriors - Vol. 1

Green Lantern - War of the Green Lanterns
War of the Green Lanterns Aftermath

NEW 52: 
Despite the rejiggering of the DC Universe the Green Lantern Family of books didn't really change from what had come before. So, you'll continue your Green Lantern Reading with these trades.


Vol. 1 - Sinestro
Vol. 2 - Revenge of the Black Hand
Green Lantern - Rise of the Third Army
Green Lantern - Wrath of the First Lantern
Vol. 3 - The End
Vol. 4 - Dark Days
Vol. 5 - Test of Wills
Vol. 6 - The Life Equation (Release Date: May 19, 2015 [HC])


Vol. 1 - Fearsome
Vol. 2 - Alpha War
Vol. 3 - Willpower (Most of this trade is also collected in Green Lantern - Rise of the Third Army and Green Lantern - Wrath of the First Lantern)
Vol. 4 - Rebuild
Vol. 5 - Uprising (Release Date: Jan 20, 2015 [TPB])


Vol. 1 - The Ring Bearer
Vol. 2 - Beyond Hope
Vol. 3 - Love & Death (Most of this trade is also collected in Green Lantern - Rise of the Third Army and Green Lantern - Wrath of the First Lantern)
Vol. 4 - Gods and Monsters
Vol. 5 - Godkillers (Release Date: February 24, 2015 [TPB])


Vol. 1 - Blood and Rage
Vol. 2 - The Death of the Red Lanterns
Vol. 3 - The Second Prophecy (Most of this trade is also collected in Green Lantern - Rise of the Third Army and Green Lantern - Wrath of the First Lantern)
Vol. 4 - Blood Brothers
Vol. 5 - Atrocities

I understand how frustrating it can be to try to get into something without clear labeling of the actual reading order. Hopefully, this reading list helps out.

If you want to get a good introduction to Hall Jordan the Green Lantern to see if you like the character before trying to tackle all of these books I would highly recommend reading Green Lantern (Vol. 7) - Secret Origin. This a great origin retelling by Geoff Johns, and a really good jumping on point for the whole series despite it being volume seven.

Hopefully you found this list to be helpful.

Comics Conspiracy is a great place to order comics by the way.


  1. Thanks alot for this Brock. Alot of them are out of stock on Amazon Uk at the moment but im sure i can find them somewhere. Great way to get caught up in time

  2. You are welcome DiamondFella. You could always order from Comics Conspiracy. :)

  3. How would you organise the reading order of GL+CORPS+GUARDIANS? Thanks for the great list!

  4. They are pretty much separate except when they have an event cross-over. So, I would say read them GL, Corps, then Guardians. When an event comes up you'll read just that event book, and then back to GL, Corps, then Guardians. DC has been doubling up on issues in the trades, which means you may re-read some issues from the cross-over in the regular volume of the title. Sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this, and thank you for liking this post.
